Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blog 6

The U.S Government blog A Texan's Gov't Blog has an entry titled “Blog Stage 5: Just Put Up a Sign” in which the author, Brandon, opposed gun-free zones which prohibits anyone, licensed or not, from carrying a firearm of any kind onto the premises. I could not agree more with Brandon's article. He explains the ineffectiveness of the signs, examples of such, and best of all, common sense, to support his argument. 
“Doesn't it follow logical reasoning that someone who is in violation of the law by carrying an illegally concealed firearm, would also ignore any posted signs prohibiting the carrying of firearms by law?” (Brandon). Its hard to simplify common sense any further in my opinion. In a similar article to Brandon's; The Fallacy of ‘Gun Free’ Zones, gives us an example of this common sense, “‘If an insane gunman rushes into your classroom intending to murder you and your classmates, what would you rather have – a law that says he can’t have that gun here, or another gun?’ I have yet to hear someone respond with, ‘Trick question! He won’t be able to get that gun into my classroom, because it’s a gun free zone!’”
I could not find a single article which was pro gun-free zones and was able to support its argument. was the only thing I was able to find, which Is similar to a forum where layman can discuss certain issues. The only two posts supporting gun-free zones are simply absurd. 
There is one thing I would like to add. I don’t believe “All” gun-free zones are fallacy. In the Texaschl, is a list of gun-free zones in Texas. One of them being businesses where alcohol is sold if 51% or more of their revenue is from the sale of alcohol for on-premises consumption. I believe that this is one gun-free zone that makes logical sense. Even a law abiding citizen, when impaired by alcohol, may make irrational decisions which may endanger innocent civilians if armed. 

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