Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog 7: CISPA

CISPA. Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. What is it and why does it matter? Well, this legislation was introduced in 2011 and you can find a dozen different definitions explained exactly what it is but in layman terms, essentially it would allow for the sharing of Internet information between the U.S. government and technology and manufacturing companies (Like apple or facebook just to name a few big ones). 
So why would whoever wrote this thing, well. Write this thing? What is it’s “purpose”.  The stated aim of the bill is to help the U.S government investigate cyber threats and ensure the security of networks against cyberattacks. Sounds nice right? 
So its to protect the internet from hackers and what not. So whats wrong with that? Why is it in the news and why are people making a big fuss? Well the first problem is the bill is “vague.” People really don’t like things that are up for interpretation. The founding fathers thought our bill of rights were flawless and now, who would have thought we would have such a hard time interpreting their words hundreds of years later. So people are scared that the “poorly written” bill is going to go beyond internet security. 
What kind of “internet information” are they talking about anyways? Your internet information! So your emails, text messages, if you have cloud storage, pretty much anything you do that is connected to the internet. So CISPA would allow the government to spy on you without you knowing. Hey! isn’t that against the 4th amendment? Right to privacy? Well thats what the people against CISPA are arguing. 
So does anyone want CISPA? The answer may seem like no, and that is what you will most likely find when you search this subject matter, but who are for it? Well, aside from the House of Representatives who have voted for it the first and the second time now. Most of the technology and manufacturing are for it because, simply, it protects them.
As of right now, you do not have to worry about CISPA and the government being little peeping toms on your computer because the Senate has turned it down once again. But don’t forget about CISPA just yet. It has come back once, it just may come back again. 


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